
I provide the finest, tested, custom products

I can’t be the only one who wants a unique product. Something everyone has, but this one is unique. Well, that’s what you will get here. Fine, custom, functional, tools that allow you to do it in style.

My Story

If you’ve ever seen the television show “A Craftsman’s Legacy” that intro monologue describes my exact situation down to a T.  I have been an IT worker for many, many years and like a lot of people I struggled with feeling fulfilled by the carrier path I had taken and worked so many years at.  I was drained and felt like some cog in a system I didn’t want to be in, and even though I love technology it drove me bonkers sitting in front of a computer screen all day (and half the night).  I’d always been artistic, but I put it aside for many years while pursuing other ventures.  I had numerous skills in different fields because I’m a life long learner and I’d always been a tinkerer.  A few years back I started metal etching just to mess around.  I expanded my metal working and started to learn to make hand crafted custom knives.  I had originally just done the crafting to see if I could do it, and to give away as gifts.  Eventually, enough people said “You could be selling this stuff”.  So, I kept crafting and getting better.  If you’ve ever hand crafted anything you’ll know the satisfaction of seeing your project completed, and more so seeing it perform the task it was designed to do.  I don’t know if I was meant to work with my hands, but I got good… fast.  I was able to make things without losing materials and without having imperfections.  I knew I had solid processes.  My first custom builds were not profitable, but I kept saying “it has to be perfect”.  It reminded me of the big IT projects my previous companies had worked on that went over budget and were not profitable with one big difference.  My clients were ecstatic when they got their finished project.  It was perfect.  It was going to outlast them.  It would be handed down to the next generation.  That is something we just don’t get in this world anymore.  Darn near everything is only built to last 10 years, maybe, so you have to go back and get another.  This is not what I do.  I make things that will last.  So, here I am making custom stuff for the rest of you.


"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” – Dostoevsky.
Greg Valladares
Founder, Owner
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